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Seems It's Still 2013..
Kamis, 02 Januari 2014 | 0 Friend[s]
Kamis, 2 Januari 2014.

     Believe me or not, i was almost make mistake; i almost write the year date 2013. Yes, it's too fast for me to welcome the new year. Rasanya baru beberapa bulan aku naik ke kelas 6. Ketemu Annisa dan langsung cocok sama dia. Pandangan pertama sama si *teeett* (eeaaaa). Well, i know kalau waktu semain cepat itu salah satu tanda-tanda hari akhir. Itu gk perlu kita cemaskan.. Aku percaya semua orang muslim tidak akan merasakan siksaan kiamat, ya, muslim yg benar2 setia pada Islam.
     But i don't like when the time changed so fast..
     I can't have long time to celebrate my birthday. I don't have long time to celebrate the holiday. It's too fast i have to come back to my house after a very exciting camping. It's too fast. I can't also celebrate my father's birthday with long time, even his birthday is TODAY (BTW, HBD Dad).
     By the way kayaknya aku sok nge-english banget ya ._. But you have no problem with that right?! Yeah.
     Padahal 2013 kemarin penuh keceriaan. It's my first and last Konferensi Anak Indonesia. It's my last Konferensi Penulis Cilik Indonesia. It's my fisrt Jelajah Museum Bersama Ibu Negara. It's all on 2013. It's very exciting! But the time so fast that it end so fast too.
     Dulu, aku bosan dengan waktu yang menurutku lambat seperti siput. But it's totally changed now guys. You feel it, i feel it too. It's seems like it's still 2013.. I miss 2013.
     This year! 2014! Ya, tantangan lain yg sangat berat. UN. Tes SMP. Tantangan Ayah masuk SMP negeri favorit. Bukan artinya aku membenci 2014, no. Totally wrong. I just hate that the time went so fast. Just that.
     Okay, maybe segini aja dulu ya. See ya in my next entry, guys!

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